L'Opuscule is an independent art book press focusing on 'small or minor' publications which engender a playful discourse with art theory, criticism, allegory, documentation, and alternative cultural histories. Marseille, France.


Knowledge by Other Means, Lucian Moriyama, 2020. English and French. Cover screenprinted on marbled paper, images and texts laser printed, 56 pages. 26 x 20 cm.

I would like to suggest that architecture is also predicated on the casting of shadows. I am not speaking only about the shadows which fall gracefully upon a public space, but also of shadows falling in time. Let me explain. Imagine a light shining from one end of a timeline – the end labelled now – and a large object like a building, probably rectangular, placed a few centimetres earlier, in the 1950s, for instance. This shadow would blot out all history which preceded it.

Notebook of A., Lucian Moriyama, 2018. English. Risograph printed, 60 pages. 18 x 12 cm.

A. is an ethnomusicologist stranded in modernity. This book presents A.'s notes, speculations, reflections, and fieldwork on the practice of exotica.


Available from:

Motto, Berlin, DE
Good Press, Glasgow, UK
Zoème, Marseille, FR


For all inquiries concerning orders, distribution, design, etc. please contact lucianmy@gmail.com.